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What's New?


Here you can find the latest news on academic achievement, community development, and all other recent Burke Lab activities! 

SUmmer 2020

The Botanical Society of America's Virtual 2020 Conference

July  27-31

We are highlighting our Burke Lab members who will be awarded or otherwise presenting their research in the premier annual plant biology conference. This five-day-long conference includes a number of workshops and exhibits with speakers from all across the nation.

Let's take this time to celebrate our team for their hard work!

Link to Register:


July 27th

@ 5pm- Burke lab alumna Janet Mansaray is presenting her poster in the Morphology section


July 30th

@ 1:45pm - Dan's talk

@ 4pm- ASPT awards presentation. CONGRATS Paige for winning an undergraduate research award!!! She will receive her award during this session


July 31st

@ 10am-2pm- Plant Sex Chromosome symposium

@ 12:30pm-2:30pm- Undergraduate Research Colloquium (Janelle, Emma and Paige's talk @ 1:00pm)

Links to their presentations!

Recap of

The Burke Botany Lab Virtual Summer Internship

May 26th- July 27th

As the summer and this internship both come to a close, we must highlight some of the interesting projects that our interns worked on. With an impromptu transition to virtual training, we find our interns' projects become nothing short of intriguing. 

Keep Up With US!


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